Why Do Dog Farts Smell So Bad ?

Ever wonder why dog farts smell so bad? You know what I mean, those sudden smells that can clear a room. “Farts. Passing gas. Breaking wind.” Or whatever you call it. Well if you are like me and you own dogs you know it happens and at the most random times or locations. Often guests are in the home, right? I have a friend that when she comes over my “Shit” Libertybell. will crawl up next to her a lot of times and fart! And my Yorkie does it too!

Smelly stinky farts go all over her, and the room, and my other dog takes off out of the room! As if to say, ” I didn’t do it, Mommy, I didn’t do it !”

Why Do Dog Farts Smell So Bad ?
“Wasn’t me !”

OMG! She can be a REAL stinker! And, she sleeps right through it while the rest of us are gagging.

Some dogs fart more than others, right? Suffice it to say, they stink up the entire house with their excessive smelly gas. You’re wondering, why is my dog so gassy? If this isn’t normal flatulence, is he actually farting because he has a health issue going on?

Causes of Dog Fart and Health Information

Here’s some information on your dog’s farts that will help you determine whether or not it’s a simple case of adding some probiotics to his diet, or if you should make an appointment with your veterinarian in case there’s an underlying health issue.

Dogs like humans fart typically because following a meal, they need to release some gas that’s trapped inside of their bodies. If your dog swallows a lot of air when he eats and drinks, then that could cause a lot of farting, … or worse, a serious health condition like bloat.

Fast Eaters, Short Noses, Smelly Dog Farts

So, Why Do Dog Farts Smell So Bad?

Fast eaters, as well as short-nosed brachycephalic breeds like Boston terriers, Yorkies, pugs, English and French bulldogs, Shih tzus, and bull mastiffs, tend to fart more.

Your dog could have a food intolerance or food allergies to certain types of pet food or human food that you’re giving him if you’ve noticed that your dog has excess gas or that the smelly gas has gotten worse, then there could be an underlying health issue going on.

The smell comes from the bacteria in the digestive system of every creature that lives. As the food digests, it creates gases such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. These collect in the intestine until it is time to make their escape!

Because of dog’s anatomy, their intestine runs horizontally. This means that the “exit”, i.e. the sphincter, does not need to be as strong as you humans. So the gases can be released without as much noise.

However, humans, on the other hand, have a rather long and winding intestine that finishes vertically. This means that the “exit” needs to be stronger. So sometimes the gas squeaks when it comes out!

Types of gastrointestinal problems

Types of gastrointestinal problems could be experiencing issues with his pancreas (pancreatitis), cancer, intestinal parasites, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and canine colitis.

If you chose to take your “fur baby” to a veterinarian for evaluation; they’re going to ask you for information like how is poop consistency? How old is your dog? What food they eat, medications they are on, etc. just like you would be asked if you went to your doctor. (humans have “fart” issues too)

Great News !! Why Do Dog Farts Smell So Bad?

Great news! There is an all-natural supplement that comes as a small treat for dogs. You take it directly, but you can break it up and put it in their food. They might prefer that you wrap it in something, Mine prefer any pill be wrapped in sliced ham. Although Libertybelle, the smelly one, will often spit out any pill and is a much pickier eater in general than her younger sister, who will eat about anything…not so much peanut butter which I have been told these are flavored with…so ham wrap!

This product has ingredients like activated charcoal and other stuff. These attach to the smelly bacteria while it is still in my intestine, and neutralize the odor before it gets out! Once given, it can work for about 8-12 hours. So if you have guests coming be sure you give me one early enough to take effect and last while they are there !!!

More Great News!

There is a supplement for you humans too!!! It works the same way, but it is just a pill. So as we know we have more gas as we get older, but anyone can have and pass gas! So, if grandmother or anyone you know needs the pill why not order some? (These make great white elephant or gag gifts ). I have a friend with a gift basket company who does dog baskets and she is going to put a package inside each one.

The human pill is called, a Tootralizer. That’s a fun name! But this is a serious product for a serious issue! Wish I’d had that for my mother as she used to walk down the hall just squeaking away.  And there is also a 100% money-back guarantee!!!

Why Do Dog Farts Smell So Bad ?
Remember they love you even if sometimes they have “smelly farts !” And now you can stop the smell and the embarrassment! Go here today to order, just give it a try (and maybe order a human one too )

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