Online Homeschool Programs

Online HomeSchool Programs. Homeschooling is becoming the way of future education. Although most people still want traditional education in a building, there are those who would like more control over what and how their child is taught. Safety in our schools is another reason homeschooling is becoming more and more an issue.

Online Homeschool Programs…Why Home School

As a homeschooling participant,, you can select the curriculum that best fits your child’s needs, your belief, morals and values and still provide a great learning experience for you and your family. Homeschooling also gives you more flexibility By being in the homeschooling family, you will then be able to teach conservatism, business practices and other incoming sustaining interests and still be within the guidelines of

Pick classes for all day or part day

Online Home School

HomeSchool Curriculum Online

A benefit of homeschooling is that you can choose because every child learns differently

Our BrainFood Online Private School Program

As this is a private school, there is a fee to attend. But compared to other private schools, the price is very low and reasonable. Also, as a classified private school, your state may issue grants or other funding for alternative private school education. We can help you with how to find out about this funding. possibility in your own state.


The Curriculum, Cost

To get access to the curriculum, the cost is $99 a month per family. This enables you to get access to the information available for you to do your own homeschool program. However, if you would like your child to attend the actual online classes with a certified instructor, there is an additional cost.

This cost allows you access to zoom instructions with the teacher of your choosing. Subjects that you need. Also, if you miss a class, you will then get access to the video recording of that class. Below you will find the cost for each grade. Of course, our kindergarten class will be free on zoom with just the initial $99 monthly fee.

  • 1st Grade $109 Monthly
  • 2nd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 3rd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 4th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 5th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 6th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 7th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 8th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 9th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 10th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 11th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 12th Grade $129 Monthly

Online Private School Is The New Way To Education

Online private schools offer a modern and innovative alternative to traditional schooling that provides numerous benefits for students and families. Homeschooling in an online private school environment allows for flexibility, personalized learning, and a safe and nurturing environment.Providing the same rigorous academic standards as traditional schools. Online schooling is the availability and quality of online private schools, families have the opportunity to provide their children with a high-quality education that is tailored to their unique needs and goals. It is clear that online private school is the new way to education, and families should consider it as a viable option for their child’s academic future.

Online Home School Programs

Personalized education  autonomy in education should be schools primary goal . Take the initiative!

Online Homeschool Programs…Reasons to Homeschool

Why to homeschool are many .  But here are a few examples.
1. self- discipline

2. take classes anywhere,

3. personalized education,

4.preparing for college,

5.schedule flexibility,

6.warm family environment,

7. community involvement,

8. Home school has strong benefit in developing self-discipline in the child who is bored, strong- willed and acting out in class.

9. Safety has become a reason to homeschool.

Pros and Cons to Homeschooling

Many times homeschooled children are finishing their class grade early and starting the next level before their peers . You can organize trips to museums, zoos and other educational locations that many public schools are removing from their budgets and for safety concerns in todays society. Your child will probably get more physical activity at home.


Here is the Criteria we are looking for in our online teachers:

  1. Need a 4-year degree in teaching
  2. Experience in the teaching field. College graduates and retired teachers are encouraged to apply.
  3. Must really love to teach and have something to offer outside the ordinary. Not looking for someone to just earn a check.
  4. You will need to join the FMS Vortex, through DTCA. This is the payment structure that will be used.
  5. You will need to create a YouTube channel and video showcasing your unique qualification, talent and introduce yourself to your potential students and their families. (Training and instruction will be provided)
  6. Dedication and commitment to the program
  7. Willingness to be above reproach and to set a higher standard in education from the traditional school systems.

Thank You for Your Interest in our online teachers education alternative!!!

If you feel you meet these qualifications and criteria and are interested in partnering with us to spread this amazing program, please fill out the form below.

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