Is It Dementia?

Is it Dementia or just a change in normal personality? With my years in senior housing and training, I have noticed that some early warning signs are often overlooked. In other words, thinking of memory changes brings fear!! Therefore, many people don’t understand what the illness is at all.

Signs to watch for :

In other words, know these signs :

  • Memory loss of recent or new information, repeating things frequently
  • Having difficulty doing familiar tasks. (like managing money, medications, and driving).
  • Problems finding words, misunderstanding, and missing items or people.
  • Getting lost driving (being confused about time or places, missing appointments)
  • Not thinking things through- poor judgment.
  • Has difficulty solving or reasoning.
  • Misplacing things-putting things in “odd” places. Accusing others of stealing or coming into the home, and moving items.
  • Changes in mood or behavior. (more argumentative or passive)
  • Changes in their typical personality.
  • Withdrawn from normal patterns of activities and interest(the loss of interests.)
Is it Dementia

Unitary tract infection and dementia

In addition, did you know unitary tract infections can bring on the “symptoms” of dementia? Therefore, be aware if there is a sudden change in personality or memory. Changes that occur quickly. ( full of energy and rage who seemingly overnight become calm and kind) ( Similarly someone quiet and shy can emerge as boisterous and extroverted.) After that, You should know to get them tested for unitary tract infection.

Therefore, GET TESTED Quickly! Also, there are now kits similar to pregnancy kits at your local pharmacy. (pee on the stick) See your doctor for antibodies if positive. As a result, know that left untreated UTIs can cause permanent memory loss.

“Our personality has been defined as the individual difference in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving”

However, our personality evolves and develops over our lifespan. Similarly, if suddenly drastic personality changes occur; it can be very scary for both the person or loved one. Have you seen signs like these, for instance:

More signs to watch for


In other words, have you noticed any of these signs?

Aggressive and threatening behavior



Delirium, Delusions, and Hallucinations

Impulsive or dis-inhibited behavior sleep disruption


We all have personality changes in our lifetime

As a result; the truth is with or without dementia we all experience some of all of the personality changes above in our lifetime. However, is it dementia?

In Conclusion

Learn the signs of Memory Change and Stay Aware!

As a result please, Come back often and see all the new Green Products that relate to brain health that we are finding! And Sign up for my e-newsletter to stay informed!

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