Infertility Women

Infertility Women because we know that there is so much disappointment, frustration, sadness, and even anger when it comes to not being able to get pregnant. My mother experienced this with me. It took her 8 years before she got pregnant.

What is infertility women?

Infertility is not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying. (or 6 months if the woman is over age 35). And if a woman keeps having miscarriages.

Infertility in women can result from age, physical problems, hormone problems, and lifestyle or environmental factors.

  • Having Irregular periods is a common problem. The average woman’s cycle is 28 days long.
    • Most women have Cramps and Painful or heavy periods.
    • But it is not uncommon for women to have an off month here and there.
    • Often Symptoms of hormone fluctuations are a sign of infertility.
  • Pain during sex is another sign of infertility.

Food that increases fertility

Foods That Will Increase Fertility and Libido in Women

There are many other types of food that can help increase fertility in women but here are a few:

  • Seaweed nutrients that help enrich the liver, kidneys, bladder, and adrenals. Organs are vital to fertility health.
    • Eating Salmon has multiple health benefits. Salmon regulates blood flow
  • Figs since the time of the Ancient Greeks the health benefits of figs. Figs contain a lot of iron, which is important for healthy eggs and ovulation.
  • Oysters we’ve all heard that eating oysters helps your sex drive. Oysters have zinc, which increases the production of good-quality eggs.


  • Any kind of Berries are good at protecting eggs from damage and aging because they are full of antioxidants. Strawberries naturally increase a woman’s libido. Berries. …
  • Beans are a lean protein and are full of iron, Low iron levels can result in anovulation, which is when ovulation does not produce a healthy egg.
  • Dark leafy greens spinach, romaine, arugula, and broccoli are high in folate, a B vitamin to improve ovulation and increase of libido.
  • Maca Root increases fertility in men and women by increasing energy, boosting the immune system, and providing vital minerals and nutrients.

Effectively Reverse Infertility
simple fertility secrets

Blood tests, such as those provided by Nutritional Healing, observe white blood cells in the of common foods.  If the blood cells enlarge, burst, or shrink when combined with a portion of food, this indicates a sensitivity.

“Based on the response, the test classifies foods and herbs into four categories: severe, moderate, mild reaction, and acceptable foods,” said Kimberly Stoeger, M.S. Clinical Nutritionist for Nutritional Healing, LLC.

simple fertility secrets

No one formula fits all women and that includes the IVF formula. Physicians have limited exposure and training in fertility may also impact a level of comfort and experience. It is important to find a physician who demonstrates a genuine interest in fertility. Their interest should also include the ability to identify other components known to impact fertility, such as polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

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