Business Investing and Saving

Business Investing and Saving money for retirement is a necessary and smart plan for your future. There are many types of financial vehicles available and not all are the same. Here is some information you will find helpful that unfortunately, not everyone is aware of.

Learning how to prepare for your retirement can make the difference from an average retirement to one that offers you an amazing retirement. You just have to change the way you prepare.

business investing
Planning for Retirement

Learn how to pull funds for your retirement tax-FREE!

Learn how you can get the best returns of any retirement program out there. Making wise business investing and saving decisions can change your life!

FIUL – The Best Retirement Program

Learn how you can pull funds out for retirement tax-free. A FIUL policy can address death benefits. This is unlike an IRA, a 401 K, or other retirement accounts, A way to save for retirement without losing access to your retirement. Structured properly your life insurance policy’s cash value can be accessed tax-free, via a policy loan or withdrawal.

Making smart business investing and saving

Properly structured life insurance can offer you various options:

  • If you die sooner than the policy’s full value, your policy can offer a tax-free death benefit. This is from day one that can be used for any purpose.( paying off a mortgage, or college funding). Life insurance normally bypasses probate, and money is distributed in a timely fashion.
  • Many permanent life insurance policies, such as the fixed-indexed universal life policies, offer access to the cash value for tax-free income throughout your client’s lifetime.
  • If you get sick along the way, the optional riders for long-term care can be an effective strategy.

Many people are looking for better ways to grow and protect their money. Fixed Indexed Universal Life (FIUL) policies offer a way for you to grow cash with downside protection.

Market volatility is a genuine concern for many of us. FIULs can offer the potential to earn interest tied to the movement of an external market index. Protecting you from the volatility and losses occurring, when the market drops. FIUL is a fixed insurance product and has never invested in the market.

Business Investing

FIUL can offer your clients a tremendous amount of flexibility and control:

However, with a FIUL policy, you can tap into tax advantages using post-tax dollars to purchase life insurance. Therefore, money grows tax-free. In addition, You can withdraw available cash values at any time, for any reason.

A FIUL product is a permanent universal life insurance policy. Flexible premiums, death benefits, and a savings feature. FIUL is a permanent policy. Therefore, until the death of the insured, the policy will stay in force. (assuming it is properly funded and the cash values are managed properly).

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