Seasonal Gifts and More Ideas for any Season.

In October

Being unique at Halloween with everyone looking for those special costume ideas. You might be more likely to win a contest for the best Halloween costume at the parades and parties by making your own rather than buying them. We all enjoy the decorations in our homes and yards, the parties, costumes, movies, fall festivals, and treats. But do you know the history of Halloween?

THANKSGIVING 2020 in November

Are you ready now for the beginning of the “eating and gift-giving season” Thanksgiving 2020 will be very different this year. Fewer people are traveling, and fewer family gatherings this year because of Covid 19.

Christmas Gifts And More! in December


Christmas Gifts and More! Christmas is that time of year of chaos and gift-giving. We are all looking for those Christmas gifts and more things to do. We hate the traffic, the list of people to purchase gifts for, friends, family, and co-workers. Some we only see this time of year. So, what do you give them…oh and don’t forget all the decorations!

SEASONAL GIFTS and More Ideas for Even More Holidays !!

Chinese New Year in January

The Chinese New Year of 2021 will be February 12th (my birthday !!).
This will be the year of the Ox which is the second position in the Chinese Zodiac. The Ox is said to be for luck and personality. The Chinese New Year is 15 days. American 1-2 days.

Valentine’s Day in February

St. Valentine’s Day is also called Valentine’s Day. (a holiday on February 14). The current tradition is celebrated when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Go Here it’s very interesting…

But How Did St.Valentine’s Day (Valentine’s Day) Start?

There are anniversaries, weddings, births, etc. all needing those special seasonal gifts and more ideas !!! Sign up for my newsletter for more great ideas !!

St Patrick’s Day in March

St. Patrick’s Day Traditional Meals, well, we usually think of things on St. Patrick’s Day such as green beer, leprechauns, green clothing shamrocks, and of course Corn Beef and Cabbage.

Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are in May


Mother’s Day History and Traditions are not what we normally think of when we think of this holiday. (Or at least they aren’t for me. )

mother's day

Father’s Day in June


Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers. It celebrates fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in our society by definition.

The 4th of July in July

In August

There are no Holidays officially but is generally back-to-school

Labor Day is in September

There are more holidays which I will add at another time. But you can find gifts for any occasion here.

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