
Being unique at Halloween with everyone looking for those special costumes ideas. You might be more likely to win a contest for best Halloween costume at the parades and parties by making your own rather than buy them. We all enjoy the decorations in our homes and yards, the parties, costumes, movies, fall festivals and treats. But do you know the history of Halloween ?

The History of Halloween


Halloween’s history dates back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced Sow-in). The Celts, 2,000 years ago, lived mostly in area that is now known as Ireland, the northern coast of France and the United Kingdom. This was celebrated on November 1. Marking the end of the summer season and harvest. The beginning of their dark, cold winters, a time of year associated with deaths.

The Festival of Samhain

Celts believe during the night before the new year, the lines between the living and dead became blurred. Therefore on Oct 31st the Celts celebrated The Festival of Samhain. They believe ghost of the dead returned to earth causing mischief, trouble and damaging the crops. Also that on that day it was easier for the Celtic priest to make predictions about the future.

The Prophecies

These prophecies were considered comfort during the long dark, cold winters. Druids built large bonfires they would burn crops and animals in sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During these Celts would wear costumes of animal heads and skins. They would attempt to tell each other’s fortunes.

In the Eighteenth century, Pope Gregory II designated November 1 as a day to honor all saints. Know as All Saints Day. This day incorporated some of the traditions of The Festival of Samhain. (also called All Hallows Eve and later Halloween)

Traditions Developed

The tradition of bobbing for apples most likely came from the two Roman holidays Feralia, the day in late October when Romans celebrated the passing of the dead. The second holiday honoring Pomona, Goddess of fruit and trees. The apple was Pomona’s symbol.

Halloween Comes to America

The Halloween celebrating was extremely limited in Colonial New England because of the Protestant beliefs. Halloween was celebrated more in Maryland and the Southern Colonies. American Indians meshing with European ethnic groups and our Halloween was begun. Festivals were help to celebrate harvest where dancing, singing and telling of fortunes took place. Ghost stories and mischief-making of all kinds took place in Colonial Halloween festivities.

The History of Trick or Treating

American’s borrowed from Europeans some traditions. Europeans who dressed up in costumes and went house to house asking for food or money. A practice that eventually became today’s trick or treat tradition.

Women believed on Halloween they could conjure the name or appearance of their future husband. This was done by doing tricks with yarn apple paring or mirrors !! In 1800’s the Americans molded Halloween into a holiday more around community than the ghost, pranks and witchcraft. By the turn of the century parties focused on games, food and costumes.

By the twentieth century encouraged by parents and newspapers to take out the “FRIGHTENING” OR “GROTESQUE” out of Halloween celebrations therefore Halloween lost most of its superstitious overtones in that period.


Black Cats and Ghosts

A holiday filled with mystery, magic and superstitions. Today’s Halloween ghosts have returned to earlier versions. They are often depicted as more fearsome and malevolent. Our customs and superstitions are scarier too. We all avoid crossing paths with black cats. Afraid they might bring bad luck. This came from the belief that witches would change into black cats to avoid detection.

Do not walk under ladders because ancient Egyptians believed that triangles were sacred. Breaking mirrors, stepping on cracks or spilling salt.

Happy Halloween 

From carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating, to visiting haunted houses and watching scary movies, children and adults still go wild for Halloween! In fact, it’s now America’s second-largest commercial holiday, with around $6 billion spent annually. (Now that’s a lot of costumes, makeup and candy!)


In conclusion Halloween is a time of entertainment. Why drink blood when you can drink wine ? Enjoy chocolates, candy and other treats. Chocolate is great with wine !!!

I hope you enjoyed knowing more about Halloween history. Please come back again to my website.

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